In Honor of Beverly Porter
For many years Beverly Porter shared her knowledge and crafting skills with guild members.
Beverly had excellent sewing and bead working skills. Prior to her passing in 2015 Beverly was active organizing a dance troupe, The Buffalo Creek Dancers. Many members of this group were also guild members who learned how to share their cultural knowledge with many audiences of girl scouts’ legionnaires, school children and adult learners.
In Honor of
Dorothy Windham Printup
More commonly known as “Dolly”, Dorothy as an avid bead worker from the Tuscarora Nation. Her beading skills were handed down through her family. Dolly especially liked creating beaded bird pin cushions, but also created other beaded items. Dolly was a guild member for only a short prior to her passing in 2015. Shortly after her passing the guild honored Dolly with a special exhibit displaying many of her beaded birds with several guild members speaking fondly of her impact on their own beading ideas.
In Honor of Norman Jimerson
Norman Jimerson was an accomplished stone and bone carver. For many years he created stone pieces which may be viewed in several prominent museums. Many of his stone carvings depict images from his Seneca heritage. Norman also carved bone. He created many beautiful bolos depicting the clans, and collectors cherish these beautiful carvings.